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People Listing

Gemiel Alcala

Research Assistant

Undergraduate Honours Health and Society - Mental Health and Addictions Specialization

Lynn Armstrong


McMaster Okanagan Office of Health & Well-Being

Philip Badaway Headshot

Philip Badawy

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology University of Alberta

Lita Barrie Headshot

Lita Barrie

Chief Executive Officer

The Burlington Public Library

Gabriella Christopher Head Shot

Gabriella Christopher

MA Student

MPH Epidemiology Student
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Sara Coker head shot

Sarah Coker

PhD Student

Department of Sociology

Jinette Comeau headshot

Jinette Comeau

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

King’s University College at Western University

Dr. Rachel Donnelly

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Vanderbilt University

Jim Dunn Headshot

Jim Dunn

Professor | Associate Dean, Research of the Faculty of Social Sciences | Director of McMaster Institute for Healthier Environments | Senator Wm McMaster Chair in Urban Health Equity

Maia Ferguson

Research Assistant

4th Year Health & Society - Mental Health and Addictions Specialization

Anne Fuller

Assistant Professor

Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Health Sciences

Kathy Georgiades

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences. Faculty of Health Sciences

James Gillett Headshot

James Gillett

Associate Professor

(Health, Aging & Society), B.A. Hons. (Calgary), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)

Paul Glavin head shot

Paul Glavin

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences

Andrea Gonzalez Headshot

Andrea Gonzalez

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, Faculty of Health Sciences

Loa Gordon Head Shot

Dr. Loa Gordon

Assistant Director | PhD Anthropology

Isabela Granic

Industry Professor

Department of Health, Aging & Society, Faculty of Social Sciences

General Inquiries
L.R. Wilson Hall 3808

Magdalena Janus


Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, Faculty of Health Sciences

Ameil Joseph Headshot

Ameil Joseph

Holder, Faculty of Social Sciences Professorship in Equity, Identity and Transformation | Academic Director, Community Engaged Research and Relationships, Office of Community Engagement | Associate Professor | Graduate Chair

(905) 525-9140 x23792
Kenneth Taylor Hall, Room 309

Dr. Nicholas Kates


Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University

Zoe Lea head shot

Zoe Lea

PhD Student

Department of Sociology, McMaster University

Allison Leanage

Ph.D. Sociology

McMaster University, B.A. (Hons.) Social Psychology, McMaster University.

Sean Liepe head shot

Sean Liepe

Research Assistant

Department of Sociology, McMaster University

Naomi Lightman

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts

Toronto Metropolitan University

Kaitlyn Mah

Lead Research Assistant | MSc Global Health

BSc, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University

Tara Marshall Headshot

Tara Marshall

Associate Professor | Graduate Chair of the Department of Health, Aging & Society | Director, Honours Social Psychology Program

Jessica Maxwell

Department of Health, Aging & Society, Faculty of Social Sciences

Nicole McNair Head shot

Nicole McNair

PhD Student

Department of Sociology, McMaster University

Melissa Milkie head shot

Melissa Milkie


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto

Jessica Monaghan Head shot

Jessica Monaghan

BSc. (Hons.) Science, McMaster University

MA Candidate in School and Applied Child Psychology, Western University Faculty of Education

Shirin Montazer

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Wayne State University

Dr. Catharine Munn

Associate Clinical Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

McMaster University

Atsushi Narisada

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

Saint Mary’s University

Sue Phipps

Canadian Mental Health Association of Hamilton, Chief Executive Officer

School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences

Ruth Repchuk Head shot

Ruth Repchuk

Research Analyst

Public Health Ontario

Leora's headshot

Leora Sas van der Linden

Program Manager, Community Research Platform

Faculty of Social Sciences, McMaster University

Mat Savelli Headshot

Mat Savelli

Assistant (Teaching) Professor

Undergraduate Chair of the Department of Health, Aging & Society

Casey Schiebling Headshot

Casey Scheibling

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, McMaster University

Scott Schieman

Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts & Science University of Toronto

Canada Research Chair in the Social Context of Heath

Rishika Sen

Research Assistant

B.A Honours Student in Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour - Mental Health Specialization

Kevin Shafer

Amanda Sim

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, Faculty of Health Sciences

Diana Singh Headshot

Diana Singh

Executive Director

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
L.R. Wilson Hall 3808
Paul Takala head shot

Paul Takala

Chief Executive Officer, Chief Librarian

The Hamilton Public Library

Allison Van headshot

Allison Van

Executive Director, SPARK

Faculty of Social Sciences

David Vaz Head shot

David Vaz

MD student @ Queen’s University

BHSc @ McMaster University

Dr. Ingrid Waldron

Professor, HOPE Chair in Peace and Health

Angel Wang

Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator , Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia

Aleda Wedekind

MA Student, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences

McMaster University

Blair Wheaton Head Shot

Blair Wheaton

Professor, Department of Sociology Faculty of Arts & Science

University of Toronto

julia-woodhall-melnik head shot

Julia Woodhall-Melnik

Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Resilient Communities, Department of Social Science

Faculty of Arts, University of New Brunswick

Head Shot of Marisa Young, Director

Marisa Young

Associate Professor | Graduate Chair of the Department of Sociology | Canada Research Chair in Mental Health and Work-Life Transitions

Ph.D. Sociology, University of Toronto, 2013